The Orange Box Shop


Karys_orange_box_store-welcometo the Grand Opening

Karys_orange_box_store-grand_openingof the Orange Box Store!


Guess what they sell…?

Karys_orange_box_store-different_sizesThey have them in all different sizes…

Karys_orange_box_store-different_shapes…and they have them in different shapes…

Karys_orange_box_store-orange_box_lamps…they have Orange Box lamps…

Karys_orange_box_store-orange_box_dog_toysand they have Orange Box Toys for VKC Dogs!

…and check this out…

Karys_orange_box_store-orange_box_petsThey even have Orange Box Pets that will gaze adoringly into your eyes as you sit together on a park bench in the sun.

Bliss (-:

So don’t forget folks, Karys Aarde’s Orange Box Store at Turing Isle, it’ll be in the big dogs’ blogs soon, but you read about it here first.

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