This is Tonya Kristen who came to visit us at the park, she’s a horse!*
If you have a horse at home, it’s probably best not to give it the La-La-La-Laaaaa dance, although I have to say that the VKC Rottweiler and Doberman look very impressed.
*You may think that was a ridiculous statement of the obvious back there when I said “She’s a horse” but it makes me and Logan laugh about an old story she told me from before I was born.
Logan had a friend called Raziel Semyorka who was a seven foot tall cat who walked upright on his hind legs. Raz arrived at Logan’s office on Turing Isle one day looking a bit down in the mouth, so Logan asked him what was wrong…
Logan: What’s up Raz?
Raz: Someone just asked me if I wanted to mate with them.
Logan: Well Raz, you’re a cat, isn’t that what you call it?
… long pause …
Raz: Yes, normally… but he was a HORSE!
Aaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhaaaaahhhhhaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa !!