Catching Up – June 2011

I am a slacktard and I haven’t been writing in my blog*. So here is a round up of things I saw in June…


11 June 2011 – Who’s Who

One of these Eagles is an impostard. Can you see Dad the scruffy old seagull in this photo?


15 June 2011 – Enrico and the Bluebirds

Enrico logged into Beta, but his sim was down. You know how it goes… you end up in a Yiff Joint or something or some poor rezzign area sim with a thousand foul-mouthed and calumnious knaves talking complete gibberish in a dozen languages that you don’t understand… but once in a while you get lucky and you log in with the Beta Bluebirds (-:


24 June 2011 – Enrico and the Copper Husky

Talking of Beta, here’s a photo that I couldn’t have shown you before now, even if I hadn’t been slacking off because I was bound by a VKC NDA. This is Enrico checking out an early draft of the Coppy Husky.


25 June 2011 – Working on the Husky

Finally, here’s a shot of Enrico and Blu working on the movement of the Husky.


*Of course, if you read in between the lines, you’ll see that I wasn’t really a slacktard, the reason I wasn’t writing in my blog is because I was on a special mission.

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