Bar Carlos

This is the worst bladdy pub in SL. We waited here for HOURS and no one came to serve us a beer. If you happen to find yourself at Bar Carlos, it’s probably best to just help yourself and leave a couple of quid on the counter.

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New World N00Bs

You may have heard that Dad and Logan have been exploring a new world called InWorldz, Blu and Kallys and Lail and Hosanna have also been there. Much to my dismay, they are exploring it without my supervision and as you might expect, Dad and Logan are the most noob like, at least from the little I have seen so far they are. Here are some examples:

Hat and Mouth Disease

Don’t look now…

Here comes psychedelic swiss cheese Rosanna

Later on Dad buys a house. According to Logan he doesn’t have anywhere to put the house, doesn’t want a house in IW, doesn’t really like this house and wouldn’t have bought it on purpose. Yes, Dad is the only person I know, that can buy a house by accident. Oh hang on, wait, Austin could probably do that too.

Riding in Blu’s Car

I went for a ride with Blu today in her car. Isn’t this the coolest thing? It’s powered by steam! We were waiting to have a meeting with Rico on the Isle of Dogs and we got bored waiting. So Blu got the Tea Kettle car out and we went for a ride around the island.

But don’t be fooled now. Don’t be thinking that this is an old museum piece just for pottering around on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Look what happened when Blu revved it up and dropped the clutch!