Lost House

SeaRose has lost her house and is living in a log cabin until it is found.

This is the sign on the porch.

Police are looking for a man in a large black hat with an infeasibly large barrel.
But, I’ve seen SL Police in action before and I don’t expect the culprit to be apprehended any time soon.


Hey, has anyone seen Cazaluff?
We think she is probably inflagrunting infrared infragrant in-bed-bonking the bloke from the Pet Shop.

Slappin’ Oz

Oz came to see us and tell us that the new viewer was out and the bug that broke the “Pet Me” message in the sit text was fixed. So Blu asked him if he’d feed back a message for her. “Sure” said Oz, so Blu gave him a damn good slapping and said “Can you please pass this on to Philip.”

…Blu Sparkle, bravest woman in SL (-:


As all y’all already know, Cazaluff is a famous paintard who sells her work from Diddi’s Gallery on Turing Isle. But did y’all know that Lailantie is also a paintard?! And she also has a gallery on Turing Isle, called Lail’s Angels where you can get her stuff! And what’s more, she’s famous too now (-:

Lail paints Angels. This is her painting called “The Angel of Yay”. It’s about a Programmer Angel who has just solved a big bug in her code so she’s giving it some Yay! Logan and I liked it, so we bought it and hung it in the office next to our Cazaluff.

Hat Script

Logan and I wrote a new hat script, put it into a hat and gave it to Ebi Ebi to test.
It’s a good job that we hadn’t released them, because they would have had to be recalled.  There appears to be a problem with the increase size button getting stuck down when you’re standing on the top of a hill… near a bench.
(Photo by Keiichi Ichitummy.)


This is a photo of Ebi and me and Logan standing next to a massive enlargement of Ebi’s cranium. The doctors blew the photo up large like this because they wanted to look at his brain. They say it should be in the part with the white outline. They told Ebi to come back next week and they’d put the photo on a megaprim to see if that helped anyone find it.


This was Lail’s idea and I have to tell you, I thought it was gonna look pretty silly. But, I was wrong. Yes ma’am I made a mistake and even if I say so myself, I look pretty dashing in a cowboy hat.

Super Model!

We all went to the INDI Store and when we got there we found that the modelbots had crashed, so Logan and I decided to stand in for them.

Maaaaaan, I’m telling you, what a BORING job!
It took me all of two minutes and I was bored to tears, so I started talking to people in the shop and then they told me off…

Miller: cute trainers Lady!
Miller: you should buy them!
Rosanna Himmel: ✿❀  hahaha  ❀✿
Miller: Lady they really suit you
Miller: your friends should probably get them too
Miller: maybe they could get the fat packs
Sandry Logan: Miller?
Miller: what?
Rosanna Himmel: Miller, I thought the model bots didn’t talk
Sandry Logan: shut up
Sandry Logan: exactly
Blu Sparkle: hehee
Sandry Logan: all you have to do is stand there like a bimbo
Miller: really?
Sandry Logan: yes
Sandry Logan: easiest job in the world
Rosanna Himmel: and strike a few poses, too, miller
Keiichi Ichtama: hmm, I don’t know if Miller can do bimbo
Miller: but i was bored