Octopus’ Garden

Logan and I are in Cazaluff’s Diving Bell

Looking at her octopus’ garden (in the shade),
doobie doobie doobeee doooo (-:

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Turing Breezes

We have a new region! It’s called Turing Breezes

But you’ll need to be quick if you want one, because there are only two left!

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Seven Up

HansAxel Fensen thought 7Up was a fizzy drink
…until he discovered Smirnoff.

Aaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhaaaaahhhhhaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa !!

Blu’s Birthday

As you can see, it was Blu’s Birthday, so we organised a party to celebrate.

We called up the great Tone Uriza, Master of the Stratocaster, to come and play the blues.

Pepper loves him, she was really pleased to see him again…

and Dervish and the Hosanna Hound spent a lot of time rolling about on the floor.

A load of Blu’s mates came over to sing and dance and holler!

Afterwards we had cake and fizzy pop…

…and birthday cards and gifts…

Logan and I got hammered on cheap red wine.

Haaaappppy Birthday tooooo yoooouu!
Haaaaappppy Birthdaaaaay toooooo yooouuuu!
Happy Birthday Dear Blllluuuuuuuuooooooo!!
(short pause for wheezing and catching of breath)
Haaaaapppy Birthdaaay tooooo yoooooouuuuuu!!!

Ooooooooh I am a morooon! It wasn’t until Rosanna wrote a comment that I realised I forgot to mention the other Blu. Blu Heron did the decorations and the catering. I dunno where she gets her supplies but she brought some of the best barbecued road kill ribs that I have ever tasted (-:


It wasn’t me Guv, honest. I wasn’t even there. I was FRAMED!
and only L$1000? That’s insultingly low.

Nno surprises with this one though.


This is my friend Niju Zarco.
He only eats child avatars when we run out of Pizza.
Which reminds me, I better get on the phone to the Pizza Fairy.

Dog Bath Video

Some months ago Blu and Logan and Dad got together to make the LogSpark Dog Bath for VKC(TM) Dogs. Solcar did the animations, Blu designed the baths and created the themes and Logan and I wrote the scripts.

The bath comes in Small, Medium and Large to suit the sizes of the different Virtual Kennel Club dog breeds and features two and a half minutes of looped animation for each breed. There are nine themes that can be selected from the touch control menu and there are also controls that will allow you to fine tune your avatar’s position at the bath to get the most realistic look.

If you’d like one of these, you can get them from the LogSpark Dog Bath Store at the VKC Dog Park at Turing Isle. If you need two or more baths (so that you have the right size baths for your VKC Dog breeds) you can get a discount by buying the Twin Pack or the Fat Pack which contains all three.