Padded Cell

Nooooooo! Nooooooo! It’s not what you think!
We’re just visiting!
This is actually an apartment in a block that Logan spotted whilst we were searching for Alex’s lost rabbits (long story) and we couldn’t believe that one of the apartments in block had padded walls, so we went to take a look. You can rent this yourself for a mere L$10 per week (-:

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If I understand this correctly, the Americans have fireworks on the 4th July to celebrate their independence from the British. Being independent of the British seems like a good idea to me. But I fear that if I let Logan go, she’d only get lost and then I’d just be embarrassed when I had to go and collect her from the shoulder pet pound.

It’s a shame Ebi wasn’t here, he would have liked this, there was stuff asploding everywhere.

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Invisible Doc

Dervish spots a running shoe and thinks he’s onto a winner. But being at ground level he fails to spot the name tag floating above. Grabbing the shoe he goes to make off across the sim with it.

But wait! Doc Irata, wearing his amazing cloak on invisibility is still in the shoe!
“Ooooops, sorry Doc! Didn’t see you there!”
(Doc Irata and Dervish turn a little red.)

ISTE Denver

Look at us! We are so glamourous!
Where on earth could we be going?

We are going to a party at the Colorado Convention Centre!

This is the glamourous and talented Blu Heron, instigator of many a party and builder par excellence.

We had cool jazz music from Crighton Johin and his impromptu band

I hear you knockin’ but you can’t come in!

We checked out the cool artwork exhibits by Sunn Thunders.

Is it a Bird?
Is it a Coltrane?
Is it Wynton Marsalis?

No, but he’s blowin’ up a storm all the same (-:

We visited with the buffalo and

…a Virtual Kennel Club Newfoundland came and found us.

Now, you can tell that Blu H is an educatard, because she makes sure that there are destructions for how to ride a bike. (I am happy to say that we didn’t actually ride one. I imagine that Logan couldn’t do it in that frock and it was a relief to everyone because you’ve all witnessed her driving.)

Blu H took great care in making sure the other educatards know how to eat. I mean, it’d be a big old fail if they all came to SL and starved to death, right?

Looks like he got in after all.
“Aaaaarrrghhh, noooooo!”  says Blue Bear, “No more burgers, I’m stuffed!”

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