Carry On The Carrion

This is my mate Austin. Nice chap, doctor of something unutterably clever, works at the university don’t you know? Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, right?


Get This.

Easter Sunday, Austin and Austin’s Missus go off to visit friends for lunch. That morning the said friend finds a rabbit on the side of the road, killed by being struck by a car just moments before. Friend picks up bunny (paws still warm to the touch) and puts him in the boot (trunk). Said friend takes said, dead bunny home, cooks him and serves as lunch to Austin and Mrs Austin.

So, if you missed seeing the Easter Bunny this year were wondering what had happened, Austin ate him that’s what.


Personally, i’m not sure if that is strictly roadkill grill, if you didn’t kill it yourself, isn’t that carrion?

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Morning Coffee

10:30 a.m. Lazy Sunday Morning Coffee with Ishtar in the park

From Left to right: Mona, Logan, Me, Hawking, Aussie, Ishtar Roux

Morning Coffee, in your pyjamas in the park? But, Logan it’s three-thirty in the afternoon where you live!

Stupid People

I joined Jamendo so that I could call up the bands that I used in the St. Patrick’s Day video and no sooner had I signed up then people were hitting on me…

“Hi Dear
Is my pleasure writing to u .How are u doing?
I am Anita I went through ur profile and it seems intresting,i will really love to know u better.I mean u deserv to be kept in a tresure box and admire. write to me on My email box; ( am watting to hear from you
thanx .Anita

Erm…. did you read my profile? at all? Hello….? Do I look like the sort of person that’s going to email you? What do you think I’m gonna do? Invite you over to get married so you can get a Visa?I live in Virtual Reality, dammit. But you… you don’t live in any sort of reality at all!

And this ONE!

“Hello Dear,

How are you today ?, My name is Kamah. I’m 5.7 fit, fair in complexion.
I like your profile after going through it. if you dont mind, i will like you to contact me through my direct mailing address so that i will give you my picture and tell you more about me.
( ) i have SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT to tell you. please do not ignore my mail to you. Good to hear from you,
My regards to you,

You’re having a right royal steffi mate! Did you read anything? I’m a Dragon, dammit. What do you think I’m going to do? Send 100, 000 USD to a Nigerian bank account for you? And no, I didn’t ignore your mail, I reported it as spam and then posted your address on the web so that all the spam-heads can pick it up and add you to their lists. Dammit.

Rosanna’s Housewarming

Now, you probably read the post about Rosanna digging a big hole and you probably heard the story of how she had a bit of bother with the fireplace and her house burned down, but today it was good news. The new house is finished and me and Logan breathed a sigh of relief that we managed not to get a concrete overcoat in the process of Rosanna’s building.

Here is her lovely new house.

You can arrive by land or by boat

…erm, I can’t remember which room this is…

…but I know I was squeaky clean and smelling like a rose when I left this one…

…it’s a bit of an odd house, there is a garden inside the house…

…and a pixie in the indoor garden, or is that a faery…

Jade and Hazey Bigbear and Rosanna Himmel

and Jade and Karys Aarde

and Zeke Yoshikawa and Vicky Yongbo

and Cepus Levee and Karys

and Hazey looking foxy.

Austin Rides Again

…actually… you can make that Austin sleeps again…
He was supposed to be helping me and Logan prepare a film set for a Machinima workshop and he fell asleep on the Catwalk.


Turing Isle St Patrick’s Day Party 2009

I took a total of three photos at The (Third) Annual Turing Isle St. Patrick’s Day Party this year because I was well busy trying to get Logan to film it properly. The film should be done any day now, but in the mean time here are two of the photos that I did take.

Please welcome Hazey and Cephus who live on Turing Isle II and who came to the Paddy’s Day party for the first time this year and brought their own inimitable sort of lunacy to the event.

Hazey got stuck in a bad yayy…

and Cephus wore a dress.

We are all so proud of you both (-: