Logan’s Car

OMG! LOOK at this!! It is Logan’s birthday and Diddi bought her a CAR! Cazalluff I love you (-:

Isn’t that the coolest car ever? Even cooler than Rico’s? It is a Damani Roadster.

When you get in and start the engine it makes a really cool noise and it goes like a rocket! Logan had to be very careful not to crash it when we tried it out. She is not a very good driver so I had to keep a close eye on her and tell her what to do.

The roof also goes up and down and the car will let other people drive it, so when Logan goes to bed I’ll be off out in it (-:

Here is Blu driving it…

and here is Logan at the wheel with Ebi… who is looking well-worried.

I can smell your…


and they stink! They are horrible! Poooooh!!

Dad made some cool animations to for sitting on the rocks and looking at the sunsets or at the moon but look what happens… my nose goes into Logans boot! Ewwwwww, how STINKY is that?

Blimey, it is dark and smelly in there!

Scud Fhang’s Girlfriend

Scud Fhang came again and brought his girlfriend to play in the park.

Well,  I think she’s his girlfriend. But I’m only guessing, she might be his sister or his Mum or even his Grandma. I mean, its hard to tell in SL isn’t it? So errr Scud, when you read this, can you please tell us who she is?

Uncle Fred

This is Dad’s brother Frederico Vidor, which apparently makes him my uncle Fred. Of course I can’t understand a single thing he says because he is Spanish and he only speaks Spanish. Him and Dad go “gabba gabba gabba cojones gabba gabba gabba joder gabba gabba gabba” and the only word I understand is cojones, because they are “bladdy foreigner innit”.

…oh and joder too, but I am not supposed to say that one.

Yellow Robot

I thought it was an attack by mutant retard robots (with car doors on their backs) from outer space and I was about to leap to the defence of Logan and the dogs.

But… it was only Ebi Ebi in a giant transformer avatar.


In an almost exclusive posting I can reveal that Elvis is alive and well in Second Life.

Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please put your hands together and give a warm Anglia Ruskin welcome to:

…Big Headed (and Big Footed) Noob Ebi Elvis

as you can see, the anglia dogs loved him so much that they threw the sock monkey at his feet