Blu Sparkle

This is Blu Sparkle, she is the boss of the Turing Isle people. She is very beautiful and she is very smart.

She is so smart that she is the only person in SL that ever got the other SL people to wait in a queue. Nobody in SL ever waits in a queue; not the old people, they don’t even do it for the Lindens, ‘cos they were all mates with the Lindens and there was never eough of them to need to even think about forming a queue; and definitely not the new people, they don’t do it for anyone, they don’t even know what a queue is… they just run around, looking for bigger guns and clicking on everything and saying “how do I get money in this game, mate?”  But, it’s not a game, it’s a world see? So you need to do some work, geddit?

Anyway, I am getting distracted fro my point, just look at this. This is SL people queueing to vote for the next dog at the VKC Breed Election.


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This scary looking man is Vlad Bjornson, apparently he has been in SL even longer than Logan and Blu and of course he is completely mad. Not VKC Dog mad, like most of their friends, but mad in a lovely SL, Steampunk comes-from-Caledon sort of way.

Vlad Bjornson has machinery in his head and he makes the coolest plants in SL.

Vlad makes plants. They taste like crap but they look very cool. Me and Blu and Logan like them a lot. He sells them at Flora Prims on Turing Isle. Go and check them out!

Vlad Bjornson has machinery in his head and he makes the coolest plants in SL.

He’s all made of metal and stuff and very smart. Look into his head, you can see all the thinking and stuff going on:

ω = ωo + αt
φ = φo + ½(ωo + w)t
φ = φo + ωot + ½αt²
(ω)² = (ωo)² + 2αΔφ
φ = φo + ωt - ½αt²

It is very Clever stuff. You can see a lot more of his clever stuff on . Well worth a visit.

…oh, and he’s not really scary (-;

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Hot on the heels…

…of Raving and Krasy is Ebi Ebi. He lives on the island with us, has dogs and yes, you guessed it, he’s barking mad like the rest of them. Last night he miniaturised his victorian house, made it physical and threw it off Logan’s platform. He and Logan lost sight of it as it fell and they had to spend half an hour looking for it. If Blu finds out, she’ll probably be cross.

The house must have bounced a long way because when they found it, it was in the water almost all the way back to Ebi’s house-on-sticks-in-the-water in on the far end of the island.

If you are wondering why there is a giant tool chest in the water under the water house, just don’t ask, this is SL remember, everyone is mad and anything can happen. And just look at the posts under the water house, they don’t go all the way to the bottom. It is just floating there. Logan and Blu assured me it was safely anchored down. Dammit!

Mafia Hit-Woman

I know that some people think that I am a bit of a gobby twat, but this is ridiculous. Who on earth could I possibly have upset badly enough to have this hit-woman come looking for me. Talk about overkill, I mean, just LOOK at the size of that gun. Preposterous. How dangerous do they think I am?

Mafia Hit Woman Safra Nitely was sent to Turing Isle on the night of 29th July 2008 to assassinate Miller.

But there is more, not only was a mafia hit-woman sent to get me, but she was an alien mafia -hit-woman. After I foiled her assassination attempt, she discarded her human disguise and made a run for her spaceship… this what she really looks like.

Alien Mafia hit woman, Safra Nitely, shortly before her departure back to the mothership.

Raving and Krasy

It was Blu’s Birthday today and they had a party for her at Turing Isle. There was a fashion show and then there was dancing and then there was a singer.

This woman is called Raving, she was one of the models in the show.

Raven Greenspan modelling LogSpark Luscious Leopard Wardrobers Orange at Blu Sparkle\'s Birthday Party 2008

And this woman is called Krasy, she lives in a bladdy great house on Turing and she has VKC dogs and she is mates with Blu and Logan. The were playing this really stupid game where they ride up into the sky on a chair and then fall back down onto their faces. They were laughing and yelling and Krasy Aarse said that it was, “The best thing ever.”

Karys Aarde Turing Isle Resident. Do Not approach this woman

Neither of them look mad or dangerous, but it is hard to tell, because apparently psychopathic axe-wielding maniacs look just the same as everyone else. Just look at these people, are they fine, upstanding, pillars of the community, or dangerous lunatics? And how can you tell?

Chico, Logan, Blu, Cazzelop, Dad, Ishtard and some grey geezer at Blu\'s party

I took some more photos of the show and the party and gave them to Logan, you can see the rest of them here: Blu’s Party Photos.


Look who Dad dug up, it’s Grandad. He’s looking a bit pale and skinny, he probably should have been left in the ground, but it’s too late now I guess. Dad says it’s not his Dad, but I mean, no one even knows who who me Mum is*, so how would he find her Dad? Besides, if you took that bucket off Grandad’s head, I bet they’ve got the same haircut.

Anyway, don’t be fooled by Grandad looking a bit pale, skinny and stiff, he’s actually very alert and still pretty able. Just look what happened when this poor woman walked past, the old pervert grabbed her and molested her.

And look at this one too, Dad was trying to look the other way whilst Grandad was copping a feel, but doesn’t he look like Alf Garnet?

Rule Brittania mate! Aaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhaaaaahhhhhaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa !!

If you’re wondering why he looks a bit brown, apparently around this time there was some accident where he put his skin and his trousers into a dog, but I didn’t really understand all that, sounded like a lot of old cojones to me.


*I asked Dad about her but he won’t say much except that she was a bit of an old dragon. I wonder what happened to the rest of her.

Caption Contest

Please submit your captions below in the comment box (-:

Here’s mine: Aaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhaaaaahhhhhaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa !!

Oh, but wait… I’m getting wet too. Still not as wet as Logan.


This is Solcar Amat, he’s me Dad, innit. You can see that he’s me Dad cuz ‘he has the same hair as me. He makes animations and smokes a lot of weed :c)

Millers Dad

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Hello! It’s me, it’s me,  Miller!

It is me, Miller!

I got fed up with My Space and Facebook, one of them was so stupid that I couldn’t even get my own last name. Retards! So I got this instead. I may get into trouble when Logan finds out, so I am depending on all my friends and fans to lobby her for me to keep it.

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