This is Blu Sparkle, she is the boss of the Turing Isle people. She is very beautiful and she is very smart.
She is so smart that she is the only person in SL that ever got the other SL people to wait in a queue. Nobody in SL ever waits in a queue; not the old people, they don’t even do it for the Lindens, ‘cos they were all mates with the Lindens and there was never eough of them to need to even think about forming a queue; and definitely not the new people, they don’t do it for anyone, they don’t even know what a queue is… they just run around, looking for bigger guns and clicking on everything and saying “how do I get money in this game, mate?” But, it’s not a game, it’s a world see? So you need to do some work, geddit?
Anyway, I am getting distracted fro my point, just look at this. This is SL people queueing to vote for the next dog at the VKC Breed Election.