Turesa the Skeletard

I expect you all remember Turesa who used to work in the Dog Park.  Well, it seems that she had a spot of boyfriend trouble the poor thing and hasn’t been eating properly. She’s lost a lot of weight.


Cephus and I had been out on the beer the other night and we thought we’d try to cheer her up, so we brought her home a curry.

But it went straight through her   )-:

Cazaluff the Ballerina

Cazaluff was performing ballet in the park, as you can see by the quantity of flowers, she was very popular.


The dogs were baying for an encore.


Taco was knocked out by the performance


But by the end they couldn’t keep up the pace. All the Fouetté en tournants, Arabesques et Grande Jetés proved too much of them and although Cazaluff was still going strong the dogs were just giving it some Zzzzzs.

Shopping at DNR

Blu and Rosanna and Karys and Cazaluff and Logan went shopping at Nicky Ree’s store. They seem to like it there a lot, especially Cazaluff and Karys who own like most of the stuff in the shop.  Logan and Karys spotted the catwalk and the animations for the runway models and without a moment’s hesitation they leapt aboard to try them out.

Look at the pictures and heed the warning; don’t try this out for yourselves. These are clearly not for amateurs to use.  Unless you are a professional model, leave them well alone…


Things went fairly well the first time down the catwalk, but by the time they got back to the top again things were looking decidedly dodgy.


Any normal person would have decide that discretion was the better part of valour and called it a day. But we’re not talking about normal here, we’re talking about Crazy Karys and Lunatic Logan.


…and things continued to deteriorate…


…until basically all there was left was a tangle of arms and legs and everyone was staring at them.

By the time that Karys and Logan finally conceded defeat, their continuous hollering, squawking and giggling had caught the attention of Blu and Rosanna who were eager to show that they were much more like professional models.


So Blu goes off down the catwalk and things start to get wobbly.


Rosanna was hot on her heels and by the time they got to the first turn it was, basically, all over the place.


Back at the top end, things have gone from bad to worse but Barking Blu and Raving Rosanna are not deterred…


… round they go for another lap…


…and things start to get seriously disturbing.


There’s nothing like being a professional folks… and this was nothing like it.


Cazaluff got herself stuck in the sign in the dog park.

Laugh? Me? Noooooooo…..


The sign in the background made me laugh, it says “Control your pet”. How about starting with “control your avatar” first? Anyone got an LM for Help Island?


It never ceases to amaze me how some girls will do anything to get up close with a Fireman.


Me and Logan in the background, failing to call the fire brigade.


And how is it that you can never find one of those paddle things in your inventory when you need one?

Diana Rigg


I thought I saw Diana Rigg wandering around in the fog on Turing Isle II, but when I got closer I realised that it was actually Keiichi.

Cachorrolocco Myoo

When Cachorrolocco Myoo came to visit the Turing Isle Dog Park everyone was cooing over the cute little puppy dog…


and quite rightly too. I mean, even I can see that this is a gorgeous avatard.



but then…. he did this.


and everyone was like screaming and running away. Except Paula and Keiichi who were trying to get him to come home with them.