Giant Purple Cat

The Park Dogs caught a giant purple cat in the park, I thought they had it cornered…

rosanna_the_giant_purple_cat…but when I got there, it turns out that it wasn’t really a cat, it was Rosanna and she had the dogs cornered!

Niju Is Big Too!

You will recall my post about Dogma Heavy and his visit to Turing Isle, but it turns out that Niju Larkin has an giant dog avatar too! Or is he a wolf? Hmmmm, he’s so big that you can ride on his back. I kid you not, he even has a saddle!


Karys, clinging on for dear life

Sandry_and_NijuMe and Logan, doing the same as Karys.

Working Nine ’till Five…

…and Five ’till Nine too by the look of it.

Dear Karys’ Boss,

We hate her job and we think you make her work much too hard. Can you please get your act together and give her a few more breaks, a little more time off and some much more sensible hours? So then she won’t be so bloody knackered and collapse on the floor and fall asleep in the yard as soon as she gets home from work.

Service and devotion my arse! Dude, you were supposed to have abolished slavery a long time ago… when everyone else did!

When we say “Nine ’till Five”, we usually mean an eight hour shift, all the in same day sort of thing. Not nine in the morning until five the next morning and go home for breakfast and come back and start over again.

Kind regards,

Miller Rocks


Dogma Heavy

I wasn’t here when this photo was taken, Logan had gone to bed and I’d gone on a bender with Cephus and some biker chicks me met on MySpace. Hosanna and Blu were at the park and they met Dogma Heavy… he is a GIANT!


ZaZa Carstensz

Nice lady, impeccable taste…


ZaZa Carstensz (in reference to Miller): he’s cute!

…see what I mean?

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Paula’s Pizza Parlour

I found a new pizza service, and would you believe it my old mate Paula Chunes is doing the deliveries!


She’s not quite the Deliverator, she doesn’t have the suit or the car, but she does have a style of her own (-:


And LOOK at the Pizza she brought for me! I think I’m in LOVE!

Paula Chunes: brought miller breakfast!!!!
Sandry Logan: you did?
Paula Chunes: hehe freshly killed
Miller: OMG!
Miller: OMG!
Miller: i LOVE YOU!
Paula Chunes: smiles…
Sandry Logan: it’s perfect, where did you find it ?
Paula Chunes: help….give me a sec
Paula Chunes gave you Grendel’s Children, Dragons, The, Avaria Tor (78, 229, 310).
Sandry Logan: OMG! really?
Miller: i got laid there
Sandry Logan: what?
Miller: ooops
Paula Chunes: haha
Miller: it is where i was born!*


*Born for a Drakelet is hatched from an egg, hence my laid comment. – Miller

Karys Rocka!


Some bird on the keyboards

Me and Logan rockin out on the Danelectro

ooooh and Blu on the keyboards!

and Ebi on the bass (-:

Blu Banging on!

Some Sheila Paula on the Keys

Pepper doing backing vocals

From the front…

…round the back…

…and over the top (-:

Starbright Yalin

Starbright Yalin is the very nice lady that moved in next door to Rosanna on Turing Isle II.

On the morning that we met Logan managed embarrass me severely in front of Starbright by falling down the steep incline into Starbright’s garden, like a N00B. But, Starbright was very polite and prentended not to notice.

Later on I spotted Starbright sitting out on the pier trying to find Nemo. Perhaps I can help…

He’s hiding out at Rosanna’s!