…of Raving and Krasy is Ebi Ebi. He lives on the island with us, has dogs and yes, you guessed it, he’s barking mad like the rest of them. Last night he miniaturised his victorian house, made it physical and threw it off Logan’s platform. He and Logan lost sight of it as it fell and they had to spend half an hour looking for it. If Blu finds out, she’ll probably be cross.
The house must have bounced a long way because when they found it, it was in the water almost all the way back to Ebi’s house-on-sticks-in-the-water in on the far end of the island.
If you are wondering why there is a giant tool chest in the water under the water house, just don’t ask, this is SL remember, everyone is mad and anything can happen. And just look at the posts under the water house, they don’t go all the way to the bottom. It is just floating there. Logan and Blu assured me it was safely anchored down. Dammit!