Norwegian National Day

Today (May 17th) is Norwegian National Day. They have big parades and all the school children play in marching bands and visit the old bids folks and everyone dresses like this and has a really good time.

…which is somewhat confusing because everyone  else thinks that they dress like this…

Keiichi’s New Pet

It’s probably a good job that she’s not very big because there’s scarcely room for Keiichi and a large black bed spider in her bed.

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Help Request


Could someone please help me with this?
Every time I log in my shoulder pet stands in an arthritic semi-crouch. When she walks, runs and flies she looks normal (well, as normal as she ever does) but she stands like this.
If we teleport to a different region she stands normally again and maintains normal standing for the duration of the log in.


(Cross posted to Shoulder Pet Help Forums and Shoulder Pet Land Owners Open Chat Group Help)

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Tayzia Abattoir


This is Blu and Logan’s friend Tayzia Abattoir… in jail. We had to give money to help raise the bail to get her out. I also gave her a rat burger because she was looking a little peaky from only being given bread and water by her cruel jailer, Shawna Montgomery.  Unlike most people, she didn’t bat an eyelid and wolfed it all down in a matter of seconds. It seemed to do the trick, she was doing the La La La Dance in no time.


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