I got Logan a burger after we finished bowling.
I was really embarrassed when she tried to put it all in her mouth at once.
I think she learned the habit from watching LilWitch. She eats like that too.
Have a look at this. You might not recognise the person in the photo, that’s Jane. No wait that’s wrong. It’s Chic Aeon. She’s a blogger. But look at the barrow and the little fence and the pile of hay. Recognise those?
Chic got some of Logan’s stuff at the Home and Garden Expo 2012 and she really liked it. So much so that she wrote a blog post about it on her own site and what’s more, she made this rockin’ video. (-:
Thank you Chic. We love your videos. Great work.
Dad wanted a new vendor for selling animations.
I said I’d do it and but Logan insisted that she was going to help.
I only turned my back for a moment to phone for a takeaway and this happened.
About ten minutes later, I looked away again when the delivery arrived and Logan did it once more.
I’ll wait until she’s gone to bed next time and do it meself.