Prize Draw

VKC Yorkie prize draw

We gathered at Canis Beach in the Dog Park (while Lil was napping) to draw the winnards for the VKC “Guess the next breed competition”. Rosanna had a magic hat that drew names out of the competition datasbase. There was a lot of cheering and even more drum rolling.

I can remember that the new breed is the Yorkshire Terrier, but I had a few beers afterwards and I can’t remember any of the winners.

Old English Mountain Dog


Oh, I know what you’re thinking: “That’s not very high up


He just took it with a racy camera angle to make it look high. It’s probably about six inches off the ground like when they film those terrifying clinging to the window ledge of the skyscraper scenes in a thriller.


Well, you’re wrong. (-:
That’s Pepper, the Old English Mountain Dog.
I don’t think she knows how to get back down.

Mega Puppy

We went to visit Enrico and he was working on the new VKC Puppy (which was a secret at the tim). He had just uploaded him for the first time. He came out rather large.


Logan and Megapuppy.


Old Uncle Tom Cobbly couldn’t make it in person.
From left to right: Blu, Rosanna, Logan, Me, Aztek.

Chat Show Celebretard (Part III)

VKC on DW 15 - watching myself on the tv

We were at the Designing Worlds studios again today with Saffia and Elrik and Lorcan Linden for the screening of the Pathfinding show.  Here I am watching myself on the TV… again!VKC on DW 16 - in the audience


I think his chair was more comfortable than ours.

You can watch the full show here:
The section with the VKC Dogs and Logan (and me!) is s from about 6 minutes into the show and lasts about 25 minutes.

Chat Show Celebretard (Part II)

Two days ago we met Saffia and Elrik and filmed the new VKC pathfinding Bloodhound Ruskin and Horatio the Polar Bear Cub at the Isle of Dogs. Today it was time to go to the Designing Worlds studios and film the studio segment where we got to talk on the TV with the Lindens.

VKC on DW 01 - sofa

After the make up girl finished fussing with Logan’s eye liner and blusher and with my hair, we got a good place on the sofa and so did Horatio.

VKC on DW 02 - sofa 2

A bit later on the Lindens arrived, the make up girl ran from the studio shrieking that she couldn’t do a thing with their hair because basically none of them had any. They said they wanted to sit together on the sofa so Logan and I had to move over onto another chair with some really awkward poses that made me cling onto Logan’s shoulder for grim life. It’s a good job she’s used to it.

VKC on DW 03 - saffia widdershins and horatio

Designing Worlds presenter Saffia Widdershins with Horatio.

VKC on DW 04 - elrik merlinDesigning Worlds presenter Elrik Merlin.

VKC on DW 05 - maestro lindenLinden Developer Maestro Linden. He looks a bit like Dad and a lot like Alf Garnett.

VKC on DW 06 - lorca lindenLorca Linden, who doesn’t look like anyone else I know.

VKC on DW 07 - falcon linden Falcon Linden who looks like some bloke in a film I saw, but I don’t remember which one.

VKC on DW 08 - mller wrox and sandry logan

Logan and me!

VKC on DW 09 - watching myself on the tvHahahaaaa! Look at this one!
I’m watching myself on the TV!
How cool is that?

VKC on DW 10 - audienceStudio and audience.

It was a long show and a lot of people (mostly the Lindens) talked a lot…VKC on DW 11 - lindens looking bored…but they got bored when Logan was talking.
“Is it time to go and play on Patterns now?”

VKC on DW 12 - aztek aeon looking boredAztek was also bored…

VKC on DW 13 - lailantie core-amat looking bored

…and Lail…

VKC on DW 14 - lilwitch allen looking bored…and LilWitch too.

You can watch the full show here:
The section with the VKC Dogs and Logan (and me!) is s from about 6 minutes into the show and lasts about 25 minutes.

Photos by Aztek Aeon and Wildstar Beaumont you can see the rest of Wildstar’s photos from the show in his gallery.