Tambourine Lady

Hey Mrs Tambourine Lady, Play a song for me,
I’m not sleepy and there is no place I’m going to,
Hey Mrs Tambourine Lady, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come followin’ you

Happy Birthday to Bob too (-:

Ebi’s Birthday 2011

Ebi’s birthday was much like Rosanna’s, but he didn’t have time to wait for all the others to come on line. So Blu and Logan gave him a slapping before his kids cam home and he had to go again.

Demo Butt

Do you recognise this butt?

Blu employs an old friend who just happens to be passing to help her check if it is hers.

Logan, the retard, looks to see if it is hers. But Logan, you were in the original photo, so unless you have two butts, it’s hardly going to be you… is it? Tyler looks like he is thinking: whaaaaaaat?