Axe Wielding Maniards

They say that axe wielding maniacs look just the same as everyone else. In Second Life, that’s probably more true than anywhere …

Keiichi Ichtama, nonchalantly sports an axe almost as large as herself as a fashion accessory.

Bernadette Tigerfish, the sort of girl that wouldn’t leave the house without an with an axe.

Lailantie Core, chops wood with her axe, but those trousers are definitely designed for maniacs.

Scary lookin’ bearded bloke with axe. Definitely a maniac.

Look out Dad! Grandad’s coming with an axe!

New World N00Bs

You may have heard that Dad and Logan have been exploring a new world called InWorldz, Blu and Kallys and Lail and Hosanna have also been there. Much to my dismay, they are exploring it without my supervision and as you might expect, Dad and Logan are the most noob like, at least from the little I have seen so far they are. Here are some examples:

Hat and Mouth Disease

Don’t look now…

Here comes psychedelic swiss cheese Rosanna

Later on Dad buys a house. According to Logan he doesn’t have anywhere to put the house, doesn’t want a house in IW, doesn’t really like this house and wouldn’t have bought it on purpose. Yes, Dad is the only person I know, that can buy a house by accident. Oh hang on, wait, Austin could probably do that too.

Tone Plays Again

Day two of the Virtual Kennel Club Anniversary Celebrations and Tone Uriza was back for another gig.

A Tone’s-eye view of the dancers and audience.

Dad dancing with Blu.

Logan dancing with Rico – you know, it’s pretty hard to make her do all that fancy footwork… and not knock anyone else over.

Punky Solo, strutting her stuff.

Eve Compton, groovin’

Change Partners …Logan dances with Dad

… Blu dances with Rico.

…and Niju Zarco continues to shake his thang.

Pepper adores Tone.

The Tonettes came armed with rulers and left Tone all a quiver.

Dog Bath Video

Some months ago Blu and Logan and Dad got together to make the LogSpark Dog Bath for VKC(TM) Dogs. Solcar did the animations, Blu designed the baths and created the themes and Logan and I wrote the scripts.

The bath comes in Small, Medium and Large to suit the sizes of the different Virtual Kennel Club dog breeds and features two and a half minutes of looped animation for each breed. There are nine themes that can be selected from the touch control menu and there are also controls that will allow you to fine tune your avatar’s position at the bath to get the most realistic look.

If you’d like one of these, you can get them from the LogSpark Dog Bath Store at the VKC Dog Park at Turing Isle. If you need two or more baths (so that you have the right size baths for your VKC Dog breeds) you can get a discount by buying the Twin Pack or the Fat Pack which contains all three.

Dad’s Moonlighting


Dad! You busted Dude!

Blu and Me and Logan found you out. You been moonlighting as a model! Look out Roe, he’ll probably be on a catwalk near you soon!

dad_moonlighting_02Is that him in the top right too?

Wedding Belles!

So, I’m not really sure that I understand all this, but I’m gonna do my best with it all the same.

Our friends Peg and Qwerty were getting married…


Dad had to give the bride away.
This is confusing to begin with because I didn’t know Dad had a bride, much less enough brides to have enough to give away. More confusing still is that if he is the Father of the Bride, doesn’t that make Qwerty my sister and if so, why did no one tell me? Everyone in the photo is looking very worried, but there’s a barrel of brandy there, just pour yourselves another glass, it’ll be OK!


Qwerty is walking down the aisle with Dad and Peg is waiting.


Blimey! I see an et tu Brute? moment coming. This could get messy.
“Look Out Peg!” I shouted,  “It’s a trap!”


But no, it’s all part of the ceremony. Bridesmaids waiting, pipers piping and Gryphon gryphoning.


Exchanging vows…


…and rings and things.


You may now kiss the bride!


St. Patrick’s Day 2010


And so it came to pass that it was time to gather together again and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.


St. Patrick’s real rez day was on March 17, but we couldn’t wait any longer and we had our party on the weekend before.


We were also celebrating the rez days for some of the Turing Isle residents who had been sick on their real rez days (or who are too retarded to remember when their rez day actually is). The celebratards were:

  • Blu Heron
  • SeaRose Charisma
  • Keiichi Ichtama
  • Solcar Amat – WTG Dad! You are THREE! (-:


So we had dancing…


…and green beer…
This is Logan and Me drinking green beer and Doolittle is waiting and hoping that we don’t guzzle it all.

This is Blu heron drinking green beer and behind her is Doolittle sleeping off his green beer and in the back ground is Dad who has a bellyache from drinking too much green beer already.
It’s always the same.


When Blu H said that Irish Ted was coming, I thought he was at least gonna be a bloke a with a fiddle and I was hoping for a whole band. Little was I expecting this.


But, looking on the positive side, we had Leprechauns too.
This is soddem gomorrer gonorr gonetomorrer beggaroh oh bugger it, this is Shaun the Leprechaun.

…and inevitably…


…there were monkeys…


I made a boo boo and I didn’t write down the name of this lady who was rockin’ out with her monkey. But, I think it’s Maharet Wrigglesworth. (And if I’m wrong, y’all will let me know, right?)

Blu and Rosanna are also in the photo. I’ll leave you to guess which one is which, though I should warn you that if you get it wrong, you’re probably dead.


And this is Whenever Timeless and Ishtar Roux …and monkeys


…and this is Paula Chunes, with green amber nectar …and a monkey.


From Left to Right: Blu Heron, Rosanna Himmel, Whenever Timeless, Diddi Cazalet, Ishtar Rox, Me, Logan, Hazey Big Bear, Keiichi Ichtami, two blokes I can’t remember, Blu Sparkle, Karys Aarde, Cephus Levee, Joachim Sicling, Love Kawaguichi.

…and <sigh> monkeys.




Cazaluff’s RL Rezday

Nobody actually knows how old Cazaluff is, we think it’s not as old as Logan but probably too big a number to be stored in an integer in many programming languages. Apparently she was rezzed in RL on 1st March but that’s a Monday this year and Cazaluff would be in school so we had the party on the Saturday before instead. You’re probably wondering why, if Cazaluff is so old, she will be in school on her birthday, unless of course she’s the teacher. I’m not sure I understand it either, but she’s definitely not the teacher, I’ve seen her in her uniform.


So anyway, it all started like this. Logan and I Gimped up a party invite…


and then Logan and Blu called up Blu Heron for catering, decorating and instigating…


and Blu called up Tone to come and play the Blues.

So, come the morning of the party (or the evening depending on where you live), Cazaluff and Logan are in the Dog Park hanging out and helping the visitors and Blu and Blu are in the courtyard getting prepared. Logan has already blown their cover in a careless IM, but Cazaluff is blissfully unaware…


Tone sends out a Group Announcement inviting all his fans to come to Cazaluff’s party and Cazaluff is still unaware (-:


Finally Logan puts out a call on the Tannoy and Cazaluff comes down to the courtyard to see what all the fuss is about. I don’t know what “Blimey!” is in Viking, but we think she probably said it.


But it doesn’t take her long to get her bearings and soon she’s rockin’ out in front of the stage.


Not long after that the party is in full swing and people are coming in from all over to congratulate Cazaluff and dance to the blues.


Blu and Rico rockin’…


Deborah Harry Jola Catnap cruisin’…


…and Dad groovin’.

It was around this time that the Miller Phone rang. It was John Travolta. He said he was making Night Fever 2010 and wanted to know if Dad would be in it. I took his number and said I’d call him back …maybe.


Doolittle’s dog’s eye view of the dance floor.
You can see a lot of our old mates here, Niju Zarco, Stormy Moonlight, Safra Nitely, Ishtar Roux, Roe Woodford, Benno Denimore, Love Kawaguichi, Joachim Sicling, FaithHopeLove Destiny.


Not only is Tone a Master of the Telecaster, he’s a Dobro Pro too.


Doolittle: Give me weed, whites and wine!
Celestria Henly: Blimey!
Doolittle: and I’ll be Willing…

Yep, Lowell George was da man for sure.


After a bit of yelling from me, out came the stratocaster and Tone said, “I’m gonna play this song for Miller… ”
Shake Your Money Maker! – Hoooooooooo!


I thought it was all over after that, but no, Tone kept right on playing. Here’s a drunk’s eye view for those of you that were a little the worse for wear.


From left to right, those left standing at the end were: Blu Heron, Keiichi Ichtama, Celestria Henly, Tone Uriza, Diddi Cazalet, Sandry Logan, Paula Chunes, Blu Sparkle, Tanya Matahari, Solcar Amat.


Happy Birthday Cazaluff!!!



Later on when Cazaluff was opening her presents, we spotted Doolittle trying out his telekinesis skills on a left over glass of beer. As far as we know, he still needs more practice.


So… if you don’t know any girls that live upon hills and you need an introduction to one, or maybe to her sister… call Tone Uriza. He knows all of them.
Leastways, go see him play. He’s the greatest (-:
