23rd December is Logan’s birthday. Estimates vary as to her real age from 46 years old to 152 years old. We all know that she lies about her age, but that’s ridiculous. But, totally unperturbed by the age anomaly, Blu Sparkle and Blu Heron organised a party for her and a load of our mates* came over to dance in the park.
Blu Sparkle
Blu Heron
Diddi Cazalet
Solcar Amat (Dad)
Enrico Genosse
(…who really knows how to rock out…)
Rosanna Himmel
Me, rocking out with Logan and Rico
Ebi Ebi
Everyone rocking out and kicking the balloons around
This one is our mate Pell Smith who is the very talented bassoon player in the Fontana Orchestra,
…but look again at how he is not in the snow… that’s not because he is in Japan and there wasn’t any snow (there might have been, I don’t know) but Pell was here in Second Life with us. So what happened? Well… Blu just happened to make a new island appear from beneath the waves… like magic. Look!
…but she named the island wrong, it should have been Isle of Miller.
Oh, if you are wondering what that little symbol means, it says:
No pushing anyone over so that they fall down and bruise their arse.
…so anyway we just moved the party to the new island and carried right on with more dancing…
…and balloons…
…and dogs…
…and cars…
…and Rosanna’s aeroplane (but everyone was too scared to go in that)…
…and horses**…
…and then we ate cake.. me and Logan ate lots of cake…
…and did the Onigokko…
…and generally made a mess…
*None of the people that I invited could come, they all said that they were dancing elsewhere and needed the money from the tips. Everyone that could come thought that this was probably a blessing.
**Photo by Ebi Ebi.