Something for the weekend sir?


Vavoom: “Good morning sir, what’ll it be?”
Dad: “I’d like it short please”
Vavoom: “Very good sir.”

…barely a minute passes…

Vavoom: “There we go sir, that’ll be L$972”
Dad: “Blimey, that’s rather a lot!”
Vavoom: “Yes, sir. It’s a special offer.”

Lost the Plot

I can’t actually tell you anything about this except that I tagged it (as the title of the posts suggests) with Lost the Plot….


…the bloke in the photo is, of course, Dad and yes he is upside down in the sky. I’m thinking that this might have something to do with Lucy and Diamonds, but I really don’t remember.

Frankenbabies (Part Six)

franken_babies_06-01Blimey! It’s my Frankenbaby Brother Burger!

Logan said that if he was my brother, it would be severely frowned upon if I ate him. Something about cannonballs that I didn’t really understand. But, this is bad, really bad. I really don’t want a brother.

I am however, very relieved to report that as it turns out this is not my brother at all and (as far as we know) I don’t have a brother. It just so happened that Dad was at out shopping and when he sat down for a rest, this little horror jumped him. I just happened to be coming past with the Millercam just at the right moment to catch Dad being caught unawares.

Dad’s Broke III

Let me just recap for a moment and remind you that this is not broke as in has no money. Dad is earning money from his multiple jobs as an Approved Virtual Kennel Club Dog Trainer (come and ask him questions) and as an Animator (come and buy his stuff) because he needs a lot of money for me to inherit later.

Anyway this is broke in the sense of broken his avatar. I think that should probably say “no sense” or “nonsense” because sometimes he appears to have no sense and sometimes he definitely talks nonsense. But, I want to write this in English and not Engritch, in which, incidentally, Dad is very fluent.

It’s a bit of a story and as usual Logan was to blame. Logan has been making this new thing for the dogs to do so that they can go around the different islands and show their owners all the stuff that Blu made. We were all out helping her to test it: Blu and Dad and Cazaluff we were all there. Testing involves a lot of running back and forth between Turing Isle and Isle of Dogs because there are a lot of 4371 Errors to be dealt with. (Error Code 4371 is the “Logan is a ReTaRD Error, as you can imagine, they are very frequent.)

So Dad’s dog Pepe was running from the Isle of Dogs to Turing Isle, or rather he was supposed to be. But he must have been getting fed up with all the 4371s. On about the 6th attempt to get it right, he spotted Hannah who was hanging out in the Agility Course looking, to all intents and purposes, well fit.

So Pepe did a runner.

He jumped off the bridge, swam across the River Turing, ran up the bank leapt over the tube and met up with Hannah. I was laughing like a drain, Logan was asking what the hell was going on and Dad was saying “hontros poly grande malakas”.

And then he fell in the river.

And got stuck.

Under the water.

There he is flailing around and trying not to look like an idiot.


Uncle Orutra

This is my Uncle, his name Orutra Inaka, he is dad’s brother. I guess that baldness runs in the family. I hope it doesn’t happen to me.

Of course, he is spanish like uncle Fred, so he goes, ola  gabba gabba gabba joder, cojones, gabba gabba, gillpollas gabba gabba… and I have no idea at all what he has told me.

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Isle of Dogs

You know that place that I said I wasn’t allowed to talk about and take pictures of? (Not the one with the dancing girls and the poles, the other one, you know… the secret one?) Well, now it is not a secret.


First came the announcement from Enrico…

…me and Logan then made another one for the people on Turing Isle in the Dog Park so they would know to come too. (Actually we made that one just because we can. Logan likes sending messages to the estate and she likes hollering. Simple pleasures, eh?)

So then you press OK and you go out through the Vavoom! store and get onto the bridge, and go slowly so that you don’t fall into the water between the sims.

and oh… who’s this? It’s Dad wandering around aimlessly. He looks like a bloody tourist.

Meanwhile up in the new Plaza…

Rico is waiting for the people to come and looking apprehensive…

…Blu is busy making a few last minute adjustments…

and on the little deck by the waterside, the gulls are waiting for someone to come and feed them. But, it won’t be me I can tell you, the last time I got near the gulls, one of them stole my chips. I’m not having that happen again, chips I can bear but I don’t wanna lose a Frankenbabyburger to them. They just gobble up anything in sight, so they wouldn’t appreciate good quality fare like that. Continue reading

Logan’s Birthday

23rd December is Logan’s birthday. Estimates vary as to her real age from 46 years old to 152 years old. We all know that she lies about her age, but that’s ridiculous. But, totally unperturbed by the age anomaly, Blu Sparkle and Blu Heron organised a party for her and a load of our mates* came over to dance in the park.

Blu Sparkle

Blu Heron

Diddi Cazalet

Solcar Amat (Dad)

Enrico Genosse

(…who really knows how to rock out…)

Rosanna Himmel

Me, rocking out with Logan and Rico

Ebi Ebi

Everyone rocking out and kicking the balloons around

This one is our mate Pell Smith who is the very talented bassoon player in the Fontana Orchestra,

…but look again at how he is not in the snow… that’s not because he is in Japan and there wasn’t any snow (there might have been, I don’t know) but Pell was here in Second Life with us. So what happened? Well… Blu just happened to make a new island appear from beneath the waves… like magic. Look!

…but she named the island wrong, it should have been Isle of Miller.

Oh, if you are wondering what that little symbol means, it says:
No pushing anyone over so that they fall down and bruise their arse.

…so anyway we just moved the party to the new island and carried right on with more dancing…

…and balloons…

…and dogs…

…and cars…

…and Rosanna’s aeroplane (but everyone was too scared to go in that)…

…and horses**…

…and then we ate cake.. me and Logan ate lots of cake…

…and did the Onigokko…

…and generally made a mess…

*None of the people that I invited could come, they all said that they were dancing elsewhere and needed the money from the tips. Everyone that could come thought that this was probably a blessing.


**Photo by Ebi Ebi.

Dad’s Broke Again

That’s not broke as in abject poverty, borassic lint or even penniless, that’s broke as in broken his avatar (again) last week it was stuck in a bad yay and this week it’s all messed up ‘cos his body got stuck in the squasher when he changed from human to bird and back again. Serves him bladdy right, he should make up his mind what sort or avatar he wants to be and stick with it.

If they ever make avatars for Dragons, remind me that I don’t want one. Ever. I Love My (Own) Avatar, remember?