Cake Shop

“A pot of tea for two and one of those skyscraper cakes like you have in the window, please”

“Ummmm, hang on” said Logan, but the waitress bird had already flown off to disappoint another customer.

Slapping the Sign


One of the Trainers signs stopped working. Logan and I went over to Caledon to investigate and she and the grey wolf gave it a slap. I hope none of the posh Caledon neighbours were watching, they’ll think we’re right old idiots.

Demented Crouchtard

Logan installed a new viewer so that she could see Mesh and not cry.  But it had a bit of a problem with the crouch pose and it made her look even more demented than the usual crouch pose.

Sweetypie, the Polar Bear Cub is rolling around on the floor laughing but Blu is just off camera saying, “Aye-yi-yi”

But wait… there’s more… just look at the video!

Aaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhaaaaahhhhhaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa !!

Lail’s Lost House

Blu and Logan were at the Dog Park at Hewes sorting out… something, I don’t remember what exactly and I was on the Miller-cam having a bit of a look around at the wonderful chaos that is the mainland. Way out in the distance I spotted a house floating in the air. Nothing remarkable about that you might think and generally speaking, you’d be right. But I happened to notice the owner of the house was a friend of mine who used to have a little place nearby.

Blu and Me and Logan went over for a closer look.

Lailantie Core – this is your house!

It’s not every day…

I was down the pub the other night and the barman said to me, “Hey Miller mate, I was reading your blog…”
“Oh yeh.” I replied
“Is that right” he continued, “that your Dad is a Ninja“?
“No mate,” I answered, “He’s a Geisha!”

Dad was making the Ikebana animation and for a short spell he got a job as a Geisha while he was doing the research.

It’s not every day that you get the chance to slap the living **** out of a Geisha, so Blu, Logan and I seized the opportunity while it was there.

Make Up

Blu bought new make up and she was showing it to Logan.

She was trying them all on and she and Logan were cooing over them and I, if I am to be perfectly honest, was getting a little bored.

“Ooooooooooh! That’s Pretty!” they said, and “ooooooh, look at this one”.
And I struggled on valiantly, battling against the ever increasing weight of my eyelids.

That I was going to lose the battle to stay awake was a foregone conclusion, but look at Logan, her eyes were starting to go too.


Aaaahhhhhhaaaaaahhaaaaahhhhhaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa !!

Ebi’s Birthday 2011

Ebi’s birthday was much like Rosanna’s, but he didn’t have time to wait for all the others to come on line. So Blu and Logan gave him a slapping before his kids cam home and he had to go again.